We are OP

OceanPointe is a community of broken people, and there is always room for one more. Since our launch in 2014, this church community has been so much more than a building. It is a movement! It is a gathering of broken people who are being made new and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. OceanPointe's main belief is that there is HOPE FOR EVERYONE, and we will do everything within our power, short of sin, to make that known. Why? Because a relationship with Jesus changes everything!

Meet the Team

Tanner Green

Teaching Pastor 
Self-professed basketball junkie. Tanner joined OceanPointe staff in 2022 and oversees the teaching team and leadership development.

Kristine Parsley

Executive Pastor
Professional Napper. Here since the launch of OceanPointe in 2014, Kristine manages the “nuts and bolts” of the church, overseeing finance, facilities, administration and leading the staff.

Isaac Lankford

Associate Pastor
Probably has a story for that. Isaac joined the OceanPointe staff in 2022 and oversees home groups, the discipleship process and works with our teaching team.

Brady Gerdts

Worship & Care Pastor
New Sock Fanatic. Brady has been leading worship at OceanPointe since the launch in 2014. He also oversees all media, tech, printed communications as well as assisting people with life’s big challenges.

Glori Lankford

Student Pastor
Your dog’s biggest fan. Glori joined the OceanPointe staff in 2022. She oversees the Student Ministry, helping 6th-12th grade students connect with God through Bible studies and events.

Amy Ruggiero

Connections Pastor
Executive Beach Bum. Amy joined OceanPointe staff in 2020. An island local and OP attender for six years, she now manages connection points along our Discipleship Pathway, helping people connect to God and one another.

Kim DeMello

Children's Director
Human Jungle Gym. Kim, mother of four, has a background in early learning & child development. She began overseeing the OceanPointe Kid’s weekly programming in 2019.

Meet the Elders

Elder's lead, teach, protect and love their church members the way shepherds care for the sheep in a flock while providing oversight, vision, and guidance for the future of OceanPointe.

Chris Clarke

Mark Carpender

Kevin Rezendes